Thursday, 31 August 2017

Dolly the duck

Once upon a time there was to baby duck colled Dolly . and She  lived on a farm .  One day Dolly went for a walk then she sow a little pond Next she went for a little swim suddenly on eel nibbled her tos Afler that Dolly got a out of the pond . Finally She ran back home. 

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Max and Brittany

Once upon a time there were two kids from Earth called max and Brittany they were on a mission to Venus First they jumped in there rocket and went to  
Venus Next they saw floating astronauts lost in space they yelled for help me from max and Brittany After that they feit good Because they were saved
Finally they went Back home .qq

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Making clocks

on Tuesday Moon 15 made clocks at school . first we got a Ruler and a pencil After they Ms Eadie gave us some pipe cleaners to make clock hands 
Finally conures our clocks .